Una Festa, una Fiera, un Festival da passare insieme a tutta la famiglia. Laboratori, dimostrazioni, creazioni, musica, allegria, pensare, ripensare e cercare un futuro migliore. Ci saranno spazi autogestiti...
Festival regionale riusoUna Festa, una Fiera, un Festival da passare insieme a tutta la famiglia. Laboratori, dimostrazioni, creazioni, musica, allegria, pensare, ripensare e cercare un futuro migliore. Ci saranno spazi autogestiti...
Festival regionale riusoReleased at the European Parliament, the documentary "Food for Profit" casts a stark and gory light on intensive livestock farms and their devastating impact on public health, the environment and European politics.
During a 5-year investigative span, journalists Giulia Innocenzi and Pablo D’Ambrosi exposed the dark secrets behind intensive meat production. The images are staggering: animals confined in cramped spaces, deprived of sunlight and freedom of movement, treated as mere objects.
But the documentary goes beyond denouncing factory farms. It also reveals the sinister connection between livestock lobbies and European politicians, highlighting how economic interests take precedence over public health and animal welfare.
During meetings with MEPs, the documentary shows the outrageous proposals to increase livestock industry profits at the expense of food safety and public health. The cynical and self-interested reactions of politicians recorded with hidden cameras are disconcerting.
"Food for Profit" è a call to collective consciousness. It calls on citizens to raise their voices, demand transparency and accountability from their political representatives, and make informed choices about the food they consume.
The battle for a healthy, sustainable and fair food system è has just begun. "Food for Profit" shows that è it is possible to change things, but only if we act together.
The vision of "Food for Profit" è an essential step toward greater consumer awareness of the origin and production practices of the food we buy. Knowing more enables us to make informed choices and contribute to positive change.
In addition to informing us, this documentary calls us to action. It urges us to pressure our political leaders to act responsibly and ethically towards food production and animals.
Together, we can make a difference. Every voice counts, every action counts. "Food for Profit" reminds us that we are all part of an interconnected ecosystem and that our choices have a lasting impact on the world around us.
We are called to build a better future for ourselves, for animals, and for our planet. "Food for Profit" shows us the path, now it's up to us to walk it.
#FoodForProfit #FarmingIntensive #EnvironmentalDocumentary #FoodScandal #FoodPolitics #MeatLobby #SustainabilityàFood #AnimalWelfare #PublicHealth #AnimalRights #EthicalFood #ResponsibleConsumption #HealthyEnvironment #PoliticalTransparency #SocialChange #InvestigativeJournalism #Ecosustainability #EnvironmentalChallenge #CivicResponsibility #FoodConscious
Gestionale Immobiliare 4.0
Filippoon 23/03/2024
Se vi interessa sapere come stanno veramente le cose, vi consiglio vivamente di andarlo a vedere. #foodforprofit