Come in ogni favola che si rispetti, anche per le Marche è arrivato il Principe Azzurro. Questo principe ha un nome (Lonely) e un cognome (Planet), la famosa casa editrice australiana che diffonde guide...
Regione Marche la “Cenerentola” d'ItaliaCome in ogni favola che si rispetti, anche per le Marche è arrivato il Principe Azzurro. Questo principe ha un nome (Lonely) e un cognome (Planet), la famosa casa editrice australiana che diffonde guide...
Regione Marche la “Cenerentola” d'ItaliaScarpe calcetto Diadora come nuove, usate un paio di volte e poi mai più toccate. Come vedete dalle foto sono perfette, pelle intatta, plastiche ancora lucide, tomaia senza nessun segno di usura. Caratteristiche delle scarpette da calcetto Diadora:N° 42, 5Colore: nero/grigio/verdeTomaia: plastica resistente all'acquaScatola: siSe interessati...
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Pesaro e Urbino
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Valuto proposte
vendo maglia della ternana anno 2009-10, taglia xl, manica lunga
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Prodotti per il corretto equilibrio nutrizionale degli sportivi, prodotti autorizzati dal ministero e esenti da sostanze dopanti!
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Scambio divisa arbitro da calcio completa della diadora nera manica lunga nuova. Taglia M(mai usata)
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divisa colorata
biglietto primo anello arancio massima serietà info al 3477298579
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Fare il pieno di enrgie? durante e dopo l'esergizio fisico si *****n h³o pro, puoi trovare la giusta carica per esprimerti al meglio professionisti e non...Tel-347-9479014...
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The Sportform Association, in collaboration with TGM Sport srl and Sport Club Magazine srl, after the extraordinary result obtained in the last edition, re-proposes the preparation course in view of the next examination session for the issuance of the License of Players' Agent (formerly Sports Agent), which should take place at the end of March at the FIGC in Rome. The figure of the Players' Agent in recent years, has assumed an ever-increasing importance and role in the sphere of sports, and soccer in particular, and therefore in order to operate, a specific and particularly accurate preparation is essential, aimed not only at obtaining the famous "License", but also and above all apt to deal with the many problems that such an activity entails. And for these reasons, trying to meet the many requests received, we have decided to reintroduce a highly qualified and purely specific Preparation Course. The Course will consist of six face-to-face meetings, in which all the issues and subjects covered by the exam will be addressed. The faculty will consist of University Professors, Magistrates, Lawyers and experts in the field. The Course has a limited number of participants and will be held at the Association's educational offices in Naples and Rome, during January, February and March next. To participate, it is necessary to send the Association's Secretariat the pre-registration form and the required documentation that can be consulted and downloaded from the website ***** no later than the deadline of January 9, 2010. It is reiterated that participation in this Course is aimed solely at providing valid preparation for the examination, the suitability of which remains the sole responsibility of the Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio. For information, it is possible to contact the Sportform Secretariat at the following telephone number or at the email addresses. info@ ***** or msansoni@ *****
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