Barattopoli eco-blog

A Pesaro va in scena l'ottava Fiera...

La Fiera regionale del Riuso è un evento che si tiene annualmente con l'obiettivo di promuovere la cultura del riutilizzo e sensibilizzare le persone sull'importanza della riduzione degli sprechi e...

Ottava Fiera regionale del Riuso
  • Stock of water paints, varnishes and enamels 2043 pieces 1
  • Stock of water paints, varnishes and enamels 2043 pieces 2
  • Stock of water paints, varnishes and enamels 2043 pieces 3
  • Stock of water paints, varnishes and enamels 2043 pieces 4

Profile picture to be updated

Stock of water paints, varnishes and enamels 2043 pieces

Stock from bankruptcy sale
Of water paints, varnishes,
glazes and miscellaneous: for iron,
wall and wood in various
types sizes and colors.

Total 2043 pieces arranged in
14 pallets, the goods are
available and visible at
our warehouses.

For info on price and more
contact Mr. BOBBI LUCA
at 328/8535881 or our...

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